2024 Sleigh Collection

Thank you for the wonderful reception and for your generous donations totalling £10,646 which exceeded last years record collection by nearly £500 and set a new record!

Seeing the excitement and wonder on young faces and many older ones is very rewarding during 11 evening door to door collections and 5 daytime static collections.

Your donations towards our local charity work in 2025 is much appreciated.

Billericay Lions would also like to thank the many volunteers who helped us with our Christmas Sleigh Collection.

Also thanks to Allen Motor Group for lending us a decorated tow car (for the fourteenth year), Lincon Batteries for lending us batteries to power the lighting and sound system, Tesco Mayflower, Billericay Town Football Club and Waitrose Billericay for permission to collect on their premises.

Our Christmas Sleigh collection requires many volunteers to cover all the outings. If you are interested in helping out next year and ensure we continue to bring the sleigh to Billericay please consider joining us or becoming a friend of Billericay Lions. We’d love to hear from you, please visit billericaylions.com/contact/

Billericay Lions Club wish you a Happy and Healthy 2025